Christmas is coming! We've watched nearly all of our Christmas movies, started reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (for about the 10th time). Practiced and played music at a variety of events, shopped, baked and taken time to sit quietly and meditate on the meaning of it all.
This is the first holiday season since Dad died. Even though it has been many years since I've been home for Christmas, I still miss him keenly. Just yesterday I was struck with such a pain while I was in a check out line at a store. Can't predict when and where it will hit. Of course for my Mom and siblings this pain is very intense.
The past year has had many sorrows and troubles; but it has also been a year full of incredible blessings. God's presence, peace and purpose give meaning and joy in the midst of all parts of life.
This December I have been studying John 6 where Jesus provides for the multitude and declares Himself the Bread of Life. Jesus was born in Bethlehem which means "house of bread". He is the Bread of Life who has come down from heaven, sent by the Father. He alone truly satisfies. So as we look at the nativity scene, and sing beautiful carols and ponder the mysteries of the incarnation may we find our greatest joy and satisfaction in the Bread of Life.