Friday, September 28, 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the next president . . .

The Princess is running for "déléguée de classe"--sort of like a class representative. It is a crowded field with 9 of the 24 students in the running. Last night she was working on her campaign slogan. She wisely chose, "je vous écouterai sans vous insulter". (I will listen to you without insulting you) Today I asked her if she had insulted anyone at school. She replied, "No". I told her that it was a good thing to keep her promise. She answered, "I just said it; I didn't promise it."

The election is Monday. We'll have special coverage of the elections at le Collège Rosa Parks à Villabé. Don't miss it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Major Award!

The most excellent Marko has won a major award! Last June I posted about his participating in a show at his magic club. The results are in! Mark won first prize! He has won La Coupe Meldini!!!! (we are still waiting to see what, exactly that is) As Heart used to sing, "he's a magic man".

I'm not sure if it is absolutely necessary for him now to always go out incognito . . . but what do I know?

Ready for worship?

Worship, true worship, is manifested in many ways. We worship God when we share with one another how we have seen His hand at work. We worship when we express our dependance on Him in prayer. Of course, music is a fabulous way to proclaim God's glory. Lately it has been a great joy to have Will and Luke join me in leading worship at our church. I remember being encouraged when I was a young thing at playing guitar and taking part in the worship service through song. I pray that my children will have hearts that love to worship.
By adding another guitar and a bass we are free to experiment with a bit of percussion, and maybe some interesting sounds with the amp. Last Sunday, however we may have gone a bit too far. The kids and I were having such a good time during practice that I decided we could turn up the gain and push the little button that turns on the drive--just for the more rockin' songs. After church a friend came up and after sweetly thanking us for leading worship, mentioned that she heard some static during the singing. I sheepishly smiled and admitted that it was supposed to sound that way. Maybe our little church is not the place to let loose with wild guitar effects. We'll set the amp on "clean" next week.

Friday, September 14, 2007


It is World Cup time. This September/October it is the Rugby World Cup being played right here in France. Last weekend we watched the opening France/Argentina match. The next day we were completely mesmerized as the All Blacks of New Zealand crushed the Italians. It was essential that we all watch South Africa bury sweet little Western Samoa. The boys looked up all the rules on-line, found lots of high-light clips on YouTube, and voila, instant fans!
Tonight is South Africa/England--a true battle of the titans. Two of our S. African colleagues are at the match. We are scanning the crowd for a familiar face under a hat with horns coming out of it.
Honestly, this is not a game for the faint-hearted. Blood flows freely, these guys don't take breaks for beer commercials or time outs or gaping flesh wounds and they run headlong into the opposition without 300 lb blockers clearing the way. No heavy armour or helmets. It's awesome.

Team USA lost to Tonga.

Go Springboks

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

La Rentrée

Ah, the end of the "grandes vacances". The neighbors' shutters opened one by one. The traffic in town and on the highway slowly increased to its normal congested state. The school supply aisle at the hypermarket became a scary place where we would dive into the crowd one by one as the more feeble stood by the shopping cart. Fresh ID photos are required for student cards, club cards, transport cards, lunch cards, and extras just because.

It is back-to-school time in France!

We now have three children in three different schools. The Princess (sixth grade) is going to the new middle school in our village. It is beautiful and new, but she was heartbroken that her two best friends are not in her class. Luke is finishing middle school in the next town over (french third grade, american 9th grade). Will is a second grader (10th grade US) at a high school in a town just up the highway from here. I'm sort of drowning in papers to read and sign, parent meetings to attend, and class schedules that are changing daily.

In France middle and high school students have different classes everyday. Things are further complicated by A weeks and B weeks--so some classes are only held once every two weeks. We are one week into the new school year and all three children had their schedules changed today. I don't even know what day it is anymore! Of course this could also be due to a big increase in the work load at the office.

John 14:1--Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God. Believe also in Me.