Monday, May 12, 2008

A Nice Day for an Outing

Today was a holiday; the Monday after Pentecost. The hubby is out of town, the kids and I have hung around the house all weekend (two quilts are in progress!), the sky was bright blue, so an outing to Paris seemed the perfect way to spend the afternoon. Normally the kids go to Paris to go to America. They prefer Starbucks, Subway, movies and Ben & Jerry's. I foolishly proposed something more cultural. Our piano playing boy loves Chopin, so I suggested that we visit Chopin's grave at a famous cemetery, one where many other famous artists are buried. Chopin's tomb has a beautiful alabaster angel playing lute on top of it. An abundance of fresh flowers adorned the area all around. So far so good--yet I was unwilling to stop there! As I led the children up and down and around looking for Jim Morrison's grave one of them asked, "Who is he anyway?" Eventually we found it--it had been terribly vandalised, and compared to Chopin he wasn't really that great of an artist. None of the brood was very impressed. Well, maybe traipsing about a cemetery wasn't the best idea; but we did get out of the house!


Al said...

Sounds like a fun day. Jim Morrison? Wasn't he the attorney general of Kansas? Why is he buried in France? No, that was Paul McCartney or was it Paul Morrison?

Anonymous said...

Jim Morrison led the Doors.
Paul McCartney led the Wings.
Paul Morrison will be leading singing in the jail chior.

Al said...

anonymous, that was well said!! Started my day with a chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Al, your day starts at 1:17 pm? Or maybe this Quilter clock is not accurate, or maybe it is on Francois time.

Jim Morrison never took off his leather pants.
Paul Morrison...well...

Okay, I had better stop or the Quilter will lose her normal decorum, since she probably knows who I am.

Al said...

I have a theory or two about your identity anonymous. Do I know you? Or should I ask if you have climbed up any balconies on Denison Ave?

These things must be on Francois time, as my earlier post was at 2:23 am. While that is possible for some, it is not for me.

annie said...

Your trip was unlike the trip my brother and I took--we went straight to Jim Morrison, and then tried to find Oscar Wilde. Locating any other famous people was purely coincidental. :) Say "hello" to the family for me! Love, Annie

Anonymous said...

I know nothing of the sophmoric hijinks of which you speak.


Anonymous said...
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